NO skeletons were found in the closet at a Stockton Heath wine bar and spa but a paranormal investigation specialist claims there is 'poltergeist activity' at the venue following an investigation.

DeadLive staff set up infrared cameras, sound recorders and a vortex generator last Monday night inside DWL Stockton Heath to determine whether ghosts existed in the building.

It followed a series of strange incidents, including a 37-second clip which appeared to show a murky figure walking in the building.

It sparked Facebook frenzy and has been watched more than 140,000 times.

But on Monday, despite no clear sighting of a ghoulish character, there were moments which made the heart stop for a second.

As well as a number of orbs making their way onto the camera screens, there were also several other pieces of footage which raised a question.

DeadLive owner James Griffiths has visited the venue before when it was formerly called Aries.

Having been involved in the industry for 13 years, Mr Griffiths has experienced his fair share of frightful incidents but he admits his line of work still gives him a few sleepless nights.

"We do still get scared as something can happen that is not expected at all," he said.

"One experience I have had is someone or something playing an organ in a haunted venue – that freaked me out.

"You get a feel for venues when you walk in. You might pick up the energy of the spirit and can get sick, light-headed or cold."

Joining the paranormal team, made up of four investigators, was a teddy bear, which was put in place to potentially 'interact' with a children's spirit.

It did not seem to attract any such ghouls but Mr Griffiths, who has carried out many investigations across the town, including at Walton Hall and Gardens, believes he witnessed a spooky incident.

"I was stood in the corridor and the fire extinguisher was moving and there was a bell sound because of the poltergeist activity here," he added.

"After it was if my whole energy had been drained from me, I was feeling very tired."

DWL staff believe a ghost may have appeared in the final few seconds of the video - can you spot anything?

The venue will be hosting a 'tree tops' bazaar on Sunday from 11am to 5pm.

Entry is free but is has not been confirmed whether or not ghosts will be present.