IT'S election day tomorrow (Thursday) and it seems everyone wants my vote!

Or at least the Tories and the Lib Dems do - the Labour Party - as I've said before - seem to have given up on anyone living south of the river - apathy rules!

Whatever my politics or beliefs, I've been quite impressed with the new ways of trying to solicit my vote.

Politicians have obviously realised that in our busy working lives most of us don't have the time or inclination to listen to someone lecturing us on our own doorsteps.

So, they've started using other methods.

Yesterday I got an e-mail from Warrington South Conservative Association - in particular Sonia Boggan.

She wanted to remind me about the local elections and tells me I can vote between 7am and 10pm.

She says she has been campaigning hard in Grappenhall and Thelwall and hopes that I will support her. Warrington needs a strong and growing Conservative Group who will continue to fight hard for our town and services, she adds. My vote is important.

And she's right.

I was quite impressed - how very modern. She is relating to me in a very normal and everyday fashion by a polite and friendly e-mail.

Then when I got home on Tuesday night I realised that the 'Priest family' had been sent a letter by Lib Dem candidate Elaine Welborn.

It was a printed version of a neat, hand-written, informative letter.

"I am writing to you personally to ask for your support in the local elections," Elaine writes.

She goes on to say how honoured she is to have been chosen as the candidate seeking to follow in Ted Lafferty's footsteps.

She and her husband Graham have lived in Grappenhall for 30 years, bringing up their family there.

I wasn't keen on the cliche about them "grasping the nettle" since the Lib Dems took control of the council, but then that's just me being a picky journalist.

The point is, she has taken the trouble to try to get my vote. I now have her address and her telephone number should I wish her to quiz her further.

I vaguely remember seeing a red leaflet through the letter box about 10 days ago - I assume it was from the Labour Party - I didn't read it.

It was another leaflet among the many we get. There was nothing personal about it.

If I wasn't in the job of news, I wouldn't have a clue who is standing for Labour in Grappenhall and Thelwall.

But let's leave individual politics aside.

The point is that we all MUST vote.

Regardless of any reminders, I always vote, I wouldn't dream of missing my opportunity to have my say.

I don't care what your politics are, get out and vote.

I'm always appalled when I read the figures showing the turnout in various wards.

The last local elections showed that some wards only had a 19 per cent turnout - shocking! Women died to get us the vote, how can we not use it?

Local elections are just as important, if not more important than a General Election.

It's our chance to influence what goes on in our own town.

Schools, roads, bins, council tax, care for the elderly, youth services, parks, gardens, community centres - you name it, the council controls it.

So don't moan about any of it if you haven't at least had your say - use your vote, don't waste this valuable opportunity.