March 3. Bobby is born weighing 9lb 1oz. His right eye doesn’t open, but they are sent home.

March 13. Cath and Wes are told there is something wrong with his eyes.

March 16. Bobby is seen by doctors again.

March 20. Doctors at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital explore his eyes under general anaesthetic. Bobby is diagnosed with Peters’ Anomaly.

March 21. The family hear of Dr James Aquavella. He says he can help.

April 2. Bobby travels to Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital to see a specialist.

April 17. Bobby is due to meet Prof James Aquavella. His family must pay half the fee now.

April 21. Bobby’s first eye operation.

April 28. Bobby’s second eye operation. The second half of the fee is due.

The Browns must have half of the £50,000 by April 17.

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