BOBBY Brown’s operation to reattach his retina was a success, and doctors have confirmed it has reattached.

The operation, which took place on Tuesday, was needed after doctors at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital discovered one of his retinas had partially detached.

Bobby’s parents Wes and Cath took him back to America on Friday for a procedure to reattach it.

A silicone gel was inserted into his eye and will remain there for up to six months.

He will need to go back to New York’s Rochester Eye Institute to have it removed.

In May the Warrington Guardian featured his story and his family’s campaign to raise £50,000 to pay for artificial cornea transplants for Bobby.

Readers raised the amount within a week and in the end gave more than £90,000 to Bobby’s Fund.

Bobby has Peters’ Anomaly, a condition that clouds the corneas.

His parents wanted to give him the chance to see by giving him transplants as early in life as possible, instead of waiting for donor transplants on the NHS.